
Budget-friendly recipes, meal planner, & grocery list maker for Pre-Diabetics & those managing Type 2 Diabetes.


More Than A Recipe Book In Your Pocket.

EatNeat helps you find budget-friendly diabetic recipes that promote healthy eating habits.

Healthy Doesn’t
Equal Expensive!

More whole foods and fewer processed foods is the goal. EatNeat finds recipes, you plan your meals and eat healthier all within your budget.

Easy to Find,
Easy to Love.

With over 300,000 recipes, there's more than enough to fall in love with and not get bored. No matter your diet preferences there are meals for you and your entire family.

Meal Planning
Is Not Meal Prep.

Meal planning is simply having a plan for your meals for the week. Having a plan allows you to be more effiecient and better prepared. Meal planning can save you money and cut down on waste.

With List in Hand, Conquer the Aisles.

No more notepads or random envelopes, now with EatNeat™️, you simply choose a recipe, add it to your meal plan, then choose to export recipe items to your list, and BOOM, off to the store or order online!

As a Type 2 Diabetic, I longed to be able to have a resource at my fingertips to find delicious recipes and make managing my money, time and diabetes easier.


Be the first to get your hands on EatNeat™️

You'll be able to find the recipes you've been craving, with the satisfaction of knowing you're eating healthy and within budget. Simple, easy to use and built with you in mind, EatNeat is coming soon.

Houston, TX